1. All Manga material should be left in the manga section or spoiler tagged. Some may not be up to date with the manga or only watch the Anime.
2. No explicit avatars.
I havent decided whether or not to give members the ability of signatures or not. I may do it.
3. You can use mild profanity. But, not to flame another user. People of all ages come here and are not use to swearing.
4. No Double posting.
5. One-liners only permitted in the Spam Section which is the Lounge. Other times try to avoid posting one-liners.
The Points System
Per Profile Message - +3 points
Per Friend- +5 points
Per day since Registration- +5
Everywhere except the Introduction, Lounge, and Debate section
+3 per Message
+6 per Topic
For the Introduction and Debate section
+5 per Message
+10 per Topic
For the Lounge
+1 per Message
+2 per Topic
This doesnt mean spam topics and messages to get points. I or another moderator will just delete them if we catch you.
Reputation System
1. You are able to add to someones reputation by a + or - button that should be on their post.
2. You can give out a maximum of 30 Reputation a day.
3. You can give out reputation every minute.
How much reputation you give varies on the section.
On any section but Introduction and Debate
For every Negative its -3
For every Positive its +6
For Introductions and Debate
For every Negative its -5
For every positive its +10
Graphic Sections
You can make your own shop. We do expect everyone who gets a signature or avatar from the person to rep them and credit their work.
Name Change Rules in the Name Change Section. (Will Update)
Any other questions should be in the
FAQ/Frequently asked questionsHave any questions post them in the question thread.
Roleplaying Group-Temporarily Closed
Ill Approve if you can enter this group.
You must Private Message me your character name.
There can only be one of each character. It's first come first serve.
I was thinking of adding Edolas/Edoras characters but it would be confusing.
In a separate thread I will post characters taken and your username. Thread Names:
You must ask a Moderator to be able to change the topic's name.
Please check the fanclubs listings. In the
Our Guild's Forum before making another fanclub.
You can either click the "New Reply" button. Or at the bottom of the screen there is the "Quick Reply" box.